Wild Cards Wiki
Biographical Information
Real Name Alec Harner
Aliases Alicorn
Gender Male
Class Joker-ace
Wild Card Traits Metamorphosis, giantism
Social Information
Place of Birth USA
Citizenship Citizen of the United States
Occupation Musician
Base of Operations New York City
Affiliations The Jokertown Boys
Allies Cameo
First Appearance Deuces Down
Creator Kevin Andrew Murphy

Alicorn is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books. He is the lead guitarist for gothic rock band, The Jokertown Boys.


Alicorn grew up in an orphanage with several other boys, with whom he later formed The Jokertown Boys.

Wild Card Traits[]

If anyone other than a virgin touches his horn, he turns into a full-sized unicorn and only by sustained contact with a virgin can he change back to human form again. This usually means being ridden for several minutes. In his unicorn form he loses all reason and should a non-virgin attempt to ride him he will attempt to throw the rider and bolt.


Alec is a seven foot tall joker with an impressive blond, spiked mohawk that covers a three foot long unicorn horn protruding from his forehead. He also sports a blond goatee beard.



  • Alicorn's friends usually employ the services of Sister Mary Immaculate when needing a virgin to reverse the unicorn transformation.
  • He was infected with the Wild Card virus by Typhoid Croyd.

Selected Reading[]

Wild Cards Volume XVl: Deuces Down - "With a Flourish and a Flair"


