Wild Cards Wiki
Biographical Information
Real Name Todd "T.T." Taszycki
Aliases Hardhat
Gender Male
Class Ace
Wild Card Traits Solid light energy projection
Social Information
Citizenship Citizen of the United States, deceased
Occupation Construction worker
Event Participant American Hero
Base of Operations Chicago
Affiliations Team Hearts
Allies Living Gods
First Appearance Inside Straight
Final Appearance Inside Straight
Creator Christopher Rowe

Hardhat is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books.


Hardhat was an ace who auditioned for, and was accepted into, the American Hero television series. Initially assigned to Team Hearts, he proved to be one of the stronger assets for the team and made it through the first few rounds, but was the third Heart voted off.

After joining the "Discard Pile," Hardhat sided with seven other contestants in leaving the show to go to Egypt and attempt do something about the joker genocide happening there. He and the others quickly joined John Fortune's alliance with the Living Gods, and T.T.'s power proved to be a valuable asset in defending Sehel Island from the Caliphate force. Unfortunately for T.T., a dam ruptured upstream and the surging Nile swamped the island, claiming his life before he could evacuate.

Wild Card Traits[]

Hardhat can create energy "I-beam" constructs. He can use his constructs to build various objects such as: ladders, walls, support structures, and bridges. T.T is able to manipulate the mass of his constructs making them weigh as little as a pound or over 1200lbs.



T.T. is a dependable man who genuinely cares about people, but also has an incredibly foul-mouthed style of speech.

Selected Reading[]

  • Wild Cards Volume XVIII: Inside Straight 2008
  • Wild Cards Volume XXV: Low Chicago