Wild Cards Wiki
Biographical Information
Real Name Nicholas Williams
Aliases Nick Williams, Will-o'-the-Wisp
Gender Male
Class Ace
Wild Card Traits Lightning generation
Social Information
Citizenship Citizen of the United States, deceased
Occupation Private investigator
Base of Operations Hollywood, California
Allies Cameo, Marilyn Monroe
First Appearance Card Sharks
Previous Mention Dealer’s Choice
Creator Kevin Andrew Murphy

Will-o'-the-Wisp's real name is Nick Williams. When he was alive Nick was a detective and an ace. After his death, he was often summoned by Cameo through Nick's hat.


Nick was born in the early 1930's. His wild card turned when he was in college when he stepped out of a swimming pool and onto a high voltage cord. Luckily the shock wasn't fatal, but it proved to be permanent.

Nick made his living as a detective on the West Coast and his cases often intersected with the fringes of Hollywood society. A case involving Marilyn Monroe brought the Card Sharks to Nick's attention and vice versa, which ultimately led to his death.

Wild Card Traits[]

Will-o'-the-Wisp could project balls of lightning from his hands.


Nick was a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes. He typically wore a fedora, the same one that later came into the possession of Cameo and allows her to channel him.


Nick was an ace at a time when it was still not good to openly be a wild card, but did not seem overly concerned by it. He had a passion for detective work even though his above average height made it hard for him to blend into a crowd. A Roman Catholic, Nick has been known to throw around the occasional oath around when angry or in the midst of battle.

Nick's beliefs have undergone some trials since his death and "resurrection" when channeled by Cameo. He is aware he is dead and expresses some bitterness over the fact that he lives inside the head of a woman decades after the times he is most familiar with.


  • Nick was the first ace to discover the Card Sharks' plot to eliminate wild carders.
  • Cameo's trendy nightspot, located in Jokertown, Club Dead Nicholas was named after Nick.

Selected Reading[]
